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• Conduction current and displacement current together have the property of continuity.Conduction current & displacement current are precisely the same.
• Conduction current arises due to flow of electrons in the conductor. Displacement current arises due to electric flux changing with time.
• Displacement current:
The variation of electric and magnetic fields, perpendicular to each other, producing electromagnetic disturbance in space at right angles to each other, which have properties of waves and propagate through free space without any materialistic medium is called electromagnetic wave.
• Properties of electromagnetic waves:
E M Waves are transverse in nature.
They are produced by oscillating or accelerating charged particles.
They do not require any medium for their propagation.
They obey principle of superposition.
They show polarization effect.
Electric field is only responsible for optical effects of EM waves.
The amplitude of electric & magnetic fields are related by In free space they travel with the speed c =
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