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Class 11 Chemistry NCERT Solutions For Chapter 13 Hydrocarbons

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Chapter 13 Hydrocarbons

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry

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In this pdf file you can see answers of following Questions

NCERT Solutions Exercises Questions

Question 13.1 How do you account for the formation of ethane during chlorination of methane ?

Question 13.2 Write IUPAC names of the following compounds :
(a) CH3CH=C(CH3)2
(b) CH2=CH-C≡C-CH3

Question 13.3 For the following compounds, write structural formulas and IUPAC names for all possible isomers having the number of double or triple bond as indicated :
(a) C4H8 (one double bond)
(b) C5H8 (one triple bond)

Question 13.4 Write IUPAC names of the products obtained by the ozonolysis of the following compounds :
(i) Pent-2-ene
(ii) 3,4-Dimethyl-hept-3-ene
(iii) 2-Ethylbut-1-ene
(iv) 1-Phenylbut-1-ene

Question 13.5 An alkene ‘A’ on ozonolysis gives a mixture of ethanal and pentan-3- one. Write structure and IUPAC name of ‘A’.

Question 13.6 An alkene ‘A’ contains three C – C, eight C – H σ bonds and one C – C π bond. ‘A’ on ozonolysis gives two moles of an aldehyde of molar mass 44 u. Write IUPAC name of ‘A’.

Question 13.7 Propanal and pentan-3-one are the ozonolysis products of an alkene? What is the structural formula of the alkene?

Question 13.8 Write chemical equations for combustion reaction of the following hydrocarbons:
(i) Butane
(ii) Pentene
(iii) Hexyne
(iv) Toluene

Question 13.9 Draw the cis and trans structures of hex-2-ene. Which isomer will have higher b.p. and why?

Question 13.10 Why is benzene extra ordinarily stable though it contains three double bonds?

Question 13.11 What are the necessary conditions for any system to be aromatic?13.12 Explain why the following systems are not aromatic?

Question 13.13 How will you convert benzene into
(i) p-nitrobromobenzene
(ii) m- nitrochlorobenzene
(iii) p - nitrotoluene
(iv) acetophenone?

Question 13.14 In the alkane H3C – CH2 – C(CH3)2 – CH2 – CH(CH3)2, identify 1°,2°,3° carbon atoms and give the number of H atoms bonded to each one of these.

Question 13.15 What effect does branching of an alkane chain has on its boiling point?

Question 13.16 Addition of HBr to propene yields 2-bromopropane, while in the presence of benzoyl peroxide, the same reaction yields 1-bromopropane. Explain and give mechanism.

Question 13.17 Write down the products of ozonolysis of 1,2-dimethylbenzene (o-xylene). How does the result support Kekulé structure for benzene?

Question 13.18 Arrange benzene, n-hexane and ethyne in decreasing order of acidic behaviour. Also give reason for this behaviour.

Question 13.19 Why does benzene undergo electrophilic substitution reactions easily and nucleophilic substitutions with difficulty?

Question 13.20 How would you convert the following compounds into benzene?
(i) Ethyne
(ii) Ethene
(iii) Hexane

Question 13.21 Write structures of all the alkenes which on hydrogenation give 2-methylbutane.

Question 13.22 Arrange the following set of compounds in order of their decreasing relative reactivity with an electrophile, E+
(a) Chlorobenzene, 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene, p-nitrochlorobenzene
(b) Toluene, p-H3C – C6H4 – NO2, p-O2N – C6H4 – NO2. 13.23 Out of benzene, m–dinitrobenzene and toluene which will undergo nitration most easily and why?

Question 13.24 Suggest the name of a Lewis acid other than anhydrous aluminium chloride which can be used during ethylation of benzene.

Question 13.25 Why is Wurtz reaction not preferred for the preparation of alkanes containing odd number of carbon atoms? Illustrate your answer by taking one example.

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